Aesthetic Dermatology

How Aesthetic Dermatology Can Improve Your Appearance and Confidence

What is Aesthetic Dermatology?

Aesthetic dermatology is a branch of dermatology that focuses on improving the appearance of the skin and hair, rather than healing diseases. It includes treatments like injectables, lasers, facials, peels, and microneedling, that can enhance your looks, rejuvenate your skin, and minimize blemishes, scars, wrinkles, and fine lines. Aesthetic dermatology can also benefit your mental health, self-confidence, and self-perception.

Types of Aesthetic Dermatology

There are many types of aesthetic dermatology treatments available, depending on your needs and goals. Some of the most common ones are:

      • Botox and fillers: These are injectable treatments that can smooth out wrinkles, plump up lips, contour the face, and lift sagging skin. They work by relaxing the muscles or adding volume to the areas of concern.
      • Laser treatments: These are non-invasive treatments that use light energy to target various skin issues, such as pigmentation, redness, acne scars, sun damage, hair removal, and skin tightening. They work by heating up or destroying the unwanted cells or stimulating collagen production.
      • Facials and peels: These are topical treatments that can cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate, and nourish the skin. They work by removing dead skin cells, unclogging pores, improving skin texture and tone, and boosting skin health.
      • Microneedling: This is a minimally invasive treatment that involves creating tiny punctures in the skin with fine needles. It works by stimulating the skin’s natural healing process and increasing collagen and elastin production. It can improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks, pores, wrinkles, and skin texture.


      Here are some frequently asked questions about aesthetic dermatology:

        Call Us Today

        Enhance your lifestyle

        If you are interested in improving your skin appearance and health with aesthetic dermatology treatments, you should book a consultation with one of our expert dermatologists today. We offer a wide range of services to suit your needs and goals. Whether you want to reduce wrinkles, fade scars, brighten your complexion, or simply pamper yourself with a facial or peel, we have the right solution for you.

        Contact us today to schedule your appointment and discover how we can help you achieve your desired results.